
Selçuklu Holding A.Ş. (“Selçuklu Holding”), with this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”), aims to inform real persons, legal entities, institutions, and organizations who visit the website located at (“Website”) regarding the terms of use of the Website and to ensure the confidentiality of the information related to the User as a principle. In this context, the User is deemed to have read and accepted all the terms and conditions mentioned hereunder, including but not limited to the following conditions.

  1. Intellectual Property

All trademarks, designs, texts, information, sounds, shapes, images, news, prices, drawings, visuals, content, logos, visuals, software, bulletins, and any information and documents, commercial trademarks, and any intellectual property and/or copyright rights (“Web Information”) on the Website belong to Selçuklu Holding unless otherwise stated. The use of Web Information by the User without prior written permission from Selçuklu Holding is prohibited, and otherwise, the User may face criminal liability.

  1. Content and Security

Web Information is provided solely for informational purposes and does not constitute legal, medical, financial, investment, tax, accounting, or other similar advice. Therefore, Selçuklu Holding does not recommend that the User take action based on any Web Information found on the Website.

The User's use of Web Information, whether partially or wholly, directly or indirectly, in any form, including copying, transferring, reproducing, publishing, storing, displaying, altering, or modifying for commercial purposes, is prohibited without the prior written permission of Selçuklu Holding.

Selçuklu Holding reserves the right to change and update the content of the Website unilaterally without prior notice. Selçuklu Holding makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and currency of Web Information.

Continued use of the Website by the User after changes to the Privacy Policy constitutes acceptance of the changes. However, Selçuklu Holding does not guarantee the accuracy, certainty, or currency of Web Information.

  1. Limitation of Liability

Selçuklu Holding is not responsible for any inaccuracy, delay in updating, or any potential errors or changes in Web Information. Such issues do not impose any liability on Selçuklu Holding.

Selçuklu Holding and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, including their management bodies and individuals in managerial positions, are not liable for any direct or indirect damages, including but not limited to costs arising from performance failures, errors, omissions, interruptions, defects, delays in operation and/or transmission, computer viruses, and/or line and/or system failures during the use of the Website.

Given that Web Information is provided for informational purposes only, the User will not hold Selçuklu Holding liable for any damages or losses incurred or to be incurred as a result of actions taken based on Web Information.

  1. Links to Other Sites

Links, advertisements, and links on the Website may direct the User to other websites outside the Selçuklu Holding network. Selçuklu Holding is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or functionality of these websites. Selçuklu Holding cannot be held liable for any damages, penalties, or consequences arising from access to or use of these websites.

  1. Online Commerce

The Website may offer the opportunity to purchase various goods and services online provided by Selçuklu Holding. The User may provide accurate, reliable, complete, and up-to-date personal information required to place an order for goods and services on the Website, such as name, surname, phone number, credit card information, email address, and delivery address.

If the User is directed to third-party websites as a result of links provided on the Website or if they place an order for third-party goods through these websites, they acknowledge that such information is collected by these third parties, not by Selçuklu Holding, and that Selçuklu Holding has no responsibility in this regard.

The User will not hold Selçuklu Holding or its employees, directors, agents, successors, and assigns responsible for any damages, losses, costs, and similar losses arising from purchases made on the Website or on other websites linked to or accessed through the Website, and will not make any claims against these individuals.

  1. Cookies

During your visit to the Website, cookies, which are small data files that can be stored on your computer, are used. Cookies generally allow web pages to recognize continuous users, facilitate their entry into the site, and help collect and compile aggregate data to improve and develop site content.

Cookies used on the Website do not store or disclose personal information. Additionally, information transmitted through cookies is not used for promotional or marketing purposes. Selçuklu Holding monitors Website usage patterns through cookies to increase the usability and effectiveness of the Website. Information obtained through cookies will not be sold or shared with third parties.

The User can delete previously installed cookies, block future cookies, or have the browser warn the User during the installation of cookies by making the necessary settings in the internet browser they are using. However, it should be noted that these cookies may be necessary for the proper functioning of the Website and for certain functions to be performed.

  1. Personal Information and Access

Personal information shared by the User through the Website, such as name, email address, fax number, or postal address, is kept strictly confidential within Selçuklu Holding and its group companies and is not shared with third parties.

Selçuklu Holding and/or Selçuklu Holding group companies will use the relevant personal information to the extent required and permitted by legal regulations for purposes such as sending printed publications/correspondence, sending press releases or notifications via email, evaluating job applications in recruitment processes, and similar purposes.

Selçuklu Holding may disclose personal information only in the following cases:

  1. If the User has given permission to share their personal information with third parties,
  2. To determine user profiles for internal use within Selçuklu Holding and Selçuklu Holding group companies,
  3. To develop, procure, or resolve issues related to products and services requested by the User from Selçuklu Holding,
  4. To provide products and services while working with partner firms,
  5. During legal investigations, court orders, or when required by legal procedures.
  1. Information About Products and Services

Web Information on the Website may include references to Selçuklu Holding products, programs, and services that may not be available in certain countries or regions, or may be known by different brand names, or may be subject to different legal regulations and conditions in different countries. These references do not imply that these products, programs, or services will be sold in your country/region.

  1. Requests and Questions

Stored information will be deleted by Selçuklu Holding when the statutory or contractual filing period expires or when Selçuklu Holding no longer needs it. However, the User may request the deletion of their information at any time. The User may also withdraw their consent for the use or processing of their personal information at any time. In such cases or for any other questions, the User can contact Selçuklu Holding via email. Questions regarding the storage and use of User information can also be addressed to Selçuklu Holding through the same method. Selçuklu Holding will make every effort to respond to the User's requests.

  1. Miscellaneous Provisions

In the resolution of disputes arising from the application of the above-mentioned provisions and legal relationships, Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized.

By using the Website, the User agrees to comply with the privacy policy. If the User does not accept this privacy policy, please do not use the Website.

All usage and disposal rights over the Website belong to Selçuklu Holding.

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