About the Foundation

Reflecting the legacy of the late Mustafa Öncel, a pioneer among Türkiye's second-generation pharmacists, who embraced the principle of "sharing what you get from this land with its people" as a guiding philosophy throughout his life, Selçuklu Holding established the Mustafa Öncel Education, Culture, Research, and Solidarity Foundation in 2014. This foundation serves as the institutional framework for all social responsibility initiatives in line with this profound philosophy.

The Mustafa Öncel Education, Culture, Research, and Solidarity Foundation places a strong emphasis on education, culture, and solidarity in its corporate social responsibility initiatives. Guided by the principle that investing in people constitutes the most significant investment, the foundation strives to make a positive impact through projects that support education, promote cultural development, and foster solidarity within communities.

Selçuklu Holding aims to leverage its achievements in industry and the economy by channeling its resources through the Mustafa Öncel Education, Culture, Research, and Solidarity Foundation into social and cultural initiatives.

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