Training and Development

At Selçuklu Holding, human resources management, undertakes the mission of improving the quality of business life and increasing the productivity of the workforce in order to contribute to organisational effectiveness, and on the other hand, it continues its activities in the training and development of human resources with a proactive approach within a strategic management approach.

Training activities aim to make positive changes in the thinking, rational decision-making, behaviour, attitudes, habits and understanding of our employees, which broaden their horizons of professional knowledge in order to enable them to perform more effectively the duties they have undertaken or will undertake in the future in the Holding and its companies.

The training process starts with the "Orientation Programme", which is implemented in order to facilitate the adaptation of the new employee to the work and the company and to share the corporate culture and values as soon as possible. The aim is to ensure that the new individual trusts Selçuklu Holding during the orientation process and to acquire work motivation. The continuous learning process continues with developmental activities that lead to superior performance and success.

All trainings are planned in a way that will contribute to professional development and create programmes that will support the career plan, taking into account the requirements of the job and the competencies of the employee.

In this process, our employees;

  • Specialisation in his/her current position,
  • Rapid adaptation to changing conditions in his/her current position,
  • Preparation for future responsibilities

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