Culture And Art

Pharmacist Mustafa Öncel placed significant emphasis on preserving national cultural artifacts and passing them down to future generations. He presented "Health in the Ottomans", which was published in 2006 and carries the best example of cultural patronage in our history, to Turkish cultural life. This work is a work that will make very serious contributions to the history of medicine. The number of documents in the book is between 1.500-2.000. The publication of documents such as official records, court rulings, foundations, fatwas in the same book has resulted in a unique work.

On the other hand, Pharmacist Mustafa Öncel has always taken care to keep his sensitivity about culture and art life alive, especially with his musical activities. In 2005, he presented the album "Alâeddin Yavaşça from Yesterday to Today" to our world of culture and art with its rich content consisting of four CDs and a book, and carried out an important activity on behalf of our national culture. One of his works in culture and art life is "Selections from Turkish Music" recorded under the direction of Nevzat Atlığ.

Pharmacist Mustafa Öncel supported the Mevlâna Symposium organised at Selçuk University in 2002 and sponsored the publication of the proceedings.

Between 29 November and 1 December 1996, a concert entitled "The Last Song of the Swan" was held at Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall to commemorate İsmail Dede Efendi. He also supported the publication of the book "The Secret of What is Still Longing" by Beşir Ayvazoğlu, which was inspired by the concert.

Selçuklu Holding also provided material and moral support for the preparation of the "Cultural Atlas of the Turkish World", a comprehensive and meaningful work on Turkish culture and civilisation.

In addition of these, Selçuklu Holding has a large library with over 18.500 books and an archive of historical photographs and documents of great importance.

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